Sedation Dentist – Oklahoma City, OK
Dental Care without the Stress
Are you delaying dental treatment you need or want? Terrified to pick up the phone to schedule a dental appointment because of painful procedures in the past? Have trouble with gagging or getting numb? Overwhelmed by thoughts of repeated visits to the dentist? Experiencing dental pain? Looking to smile again with confidence? If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, you are not alone. Fortunately, you have come to the right place in Oklahoma City for sedation dentistry and restorative dentistry.
Comfort is an important part of great patient care and we will do all that we can to make you comfortable while in our dental office. Many patients want or require additional methods to help them relax. For your utmost safety and comfort, we work with highly trained anesthesiologists who can provide IV sedation in our dental office so that you can be completely sedated for the dental treatment. We also offer a mild oral sedative (pill) and nitrous oxide (laughing gas).
Frequently asked questions regarding sedation dentistry:
1. Who is a candidate for sedation dentistry?

People who...
- Experience high fear
- Have had traumatic dental experiences in the past
- Have difficulty becoming numb
- Suffer from a very bad gag reflex
- Have very sensitive teeth
- Hate needles and shots
- Hate the noises, smells, and tastes associated with dental care
- Are afraid or embarrassed about their teeth
2. Are the medications used safe, and why use an anesthesiologist?

We offer the option of an anesthesiologist to administer and monitor your IV sedation because your safety is our primary concern. This doctor's only focus is your comfort and safety. The medications used will be determined based on your health history and other current medications.
A milder form of sedation can be achieved by a group of oral drugs called Benzodiazepines. These are a type of medication known as tranquilizers. Familiar names include Valium and Xanax. They are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States
3. What would prevent someone from getting sedation dentistry?

- Pregnancy
- Nursing mothers
- Acute narrow angle glaucoma
- Allergy or sensitivity to benzodiazepine medications
- Severe medical conditions
- Significant respiratory problems like severe asthma or emphysema
- Psychosis
- Taking a medication called a MAO inhibitor
- Alcoholics
We estimate that 90-95% of the adult population are good candidates for oral sedation dentistry.
4. Any special restrictions prior to sedation dentistry?

We will go over preoperative instructions in detail when you are scheduling your visit. The highlights are:
- Nothing to eat or drink 8 hrs prior
- Reduce caffeine for 12 hrs prior
- No alcohol or narcotic drugs
- Take prescription drugs as you normally would unless otherwise directed
- No contact lenses
- Wear light-weight comfortable clothing, preferably with short sleeves
- It is absolutely essential that you have your escort drive you to your appointment and back home.
5. Other common questions.
Q: Will I feel any pain?
No. You will feel nothing!
Q: Will I be unconscious?
No, you will be in a deeply relaxed state, and you will be responsive.
Q: Will I be monitored?
Yes, one of our team is always with you and your vital signs are monitored during the entire visit. You are never alone.
Q: How long will I be relaxing?
Depending on your needs, you’ll need to relax for two to six hours.
Q: Will someone need to accompany me?
Yes. Due to the sedative effects of the medication, you will need someone to drive you to our office and home again.