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Top 3 Ways to Makeover Your Smile with Your Dentist

May 1, 2018

woman with perfect smileIn the past, if you had a cosmetic flaw in your smile, you were kind of stuck with it. There wasn’t really anything a dentist could do to effectively get rid of stains, chips, cracks, or gaps, but fortunately, we’re not living in the past anymore! Now, your dentist in Oklahoma City can help you eliminate just about any imperfection you can imagine to reveal the beautiful, confident smile that you truly deserve. Today, Dr. Michael Kirk is going to discuss some of the top cosmetic treatments available in dentistry right now.

Teeth Whitening

Everyone, and I literally mean everyone, wants to have sparkling white teeth. However, everyday factors like coffee, wine, tea, tobacco, aging, and even genetics can easily leave a smile looking dull and discolored. Fortunately, professional whitening can be used to quickly turn back the clock and make the teeth multiple shades whiter!

Professional treatments usually fall into two types: in-office and take-home. For an in-office treatment, you would visit your dentist, and the entire procedure would only take about 60-90 minutes. They would simply apply a powerful bleaching gel to your teeth, leave it on for about 15 minutes, then clear it off and reapply until you reach your desired level of whiteness. The process is enhanced using a safe and effective high intensity laser light.

With a take-home treatment, your dentist will provide you with custom-fitted mouth trays that are designed to keep a powerful bleaching agent on your teeth. This approach usually takes about two weeks of daily use to deliver complete results. While this is a great treatment on its own, take-home kits can also be used for periodic touch-ups after and in between periodic in-office procedures.

Porcelain Veneers and LUMINEERS

Does your smile have multiple flaws and you don’t know which one to take care of first? With porcelain veneers and LUMINEERS, you don’t have to choose! They can be used to mask and eliminate a multitude of smile blemishes all at the same time, including:

  • Permanent stains
  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Gaps
  • Undersized or misshapen teeth
  • Slightly crooked teeth

They are extremely thin and natural-looking ceramic coverings that are fitted to the front side of the teeth. Porcelain veneers may require a tiny bit of enamel to be removed to be placed, while LUMINEERS are put onto the teeth as is without tooth preparation. They are always custom-made, so you can get one for a single tooth or an entire set to achieve a dramatic makeover.

Invisalign Clear Braces

Have you always wanted to straighten your teeth, but the thought of getting bulky metal braces held you back? If so, then Invisalign is the treatment you’ve been waiting for, even if you didn’t know it!

Instead of brackets and wires, Invisalign uses a series of custom-made, clear plastic aligner trays to shift the teeth in the most comfortable and discreet way possible. Adults and teens alike love Invisalign because not only are the trays practically invisible, but they are also easily removable, meaning a person doesn’t have to alter their diet or oral hygiene routine during treatment. With Invisalign, the only thing people will notice are your beautiful results!

Which One is Best for You?

If you’re thinking about getting any kind of cosmetic dental work, all you need to do is call your cosmetic dentist in Oklahoma City. During a consultation, they’ll examine your teeth and talk to you about your smile goals so they can help you figure out which treatment is the best option. From there, it’s only a matter of time before you see your dream smile in the mirror every morning!

If you’re currently unhappy with your smile, you can finally do something about it. Just contact your local dentist today, and you’ll be loving your results before you know it.

About the Author

Dr. Michael Kirk is a general, restorative, and cosmetic dentist based in Oklahoma City. At his practice, Grand Dental Studio, he and his team help local families achieve their smile goals every day by providing a wide range of treatments using state-of-the-art technology. If you would like to learn more about any of the treatments discussed above, Dr. Kirk is always happy to help people better understand their options, so contact him today.