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The Days of Root Canal Therapy Could Be Numbered

July 18, 2013

root canalRoot canal therapy is a treatment that many of our patients dread. If you’re one of those patients, the staff at Grand Dental Studio has news of some scientific research that may be of great use to you. According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, scientists are researching tooth decay and trying to come up with a way to regrow tooth tissue.

When decay has attacked a tooth to the point that the inner pulp has become infected, root canal therapy is needed to restore health to the tooth. This involves drilling into the tooth, removing the infected material, replacing it with a special dental filling, and topping the tooth with a crown. While this stops the infection, the tooth is now essentially dead because it has no nerves left to warn of further decay or infection in the future.

The current scientific research is trying to get the stem cells of teeth to grow new pulp. This will allow your dentist to replace the infected inner pulp with new pulp, not only removing the infection but allowing the tooth to remain alive.

This is great news in the field of dental technology, and we hope to see this technology reach our offices in the future. In the mean time, we can help restore your teeth with root canal therapy. If you have a tooth that is causing you discomfort or pain, please give us a call so we can look at your tooth and help restore your smile.

Interested in learning more about a dental checkup or some of our other general dentistry servicesCall us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Healthy Teeth Habits for Summer

June 14, 2013

summerSummer is here and it’s time for outdoor fun in the sun! Take some time this summer to care for your teeth. At Grand Dental Nichols Hills we want to make sure your smile remains healthy while you’re out and about having summer fun.

A great way to start is by coming in for your regular dental checkup. We’ll clean your teeth and check for signs of disease, damage or decay. It’s also a good time to go over brushing and flossing techniques and address any questions or concerns you might have.

Also, don’t use your teeth as tools this summer! Teeth are meant for chewing food, not for crunching on ice, tearing through packages, opening bottles, or anything else. Using teeth for functions they’re not meant to perform can lead to damage that could be costly to repair.

While sugary treats are popular during the summer, take a moment to think about your sugar and sweets consumption because that can be harmful to your smile. The same goes for sodas: if you’re going to drink them, do so with a straw to help lessen the impact on your enamel. Consider reaching for a class of water instead. Water also helps to flush your mouth and keep it healthier.

When you’re reaching for the sunscreen this summer, don’t forget to also grab the tooth brush and floss. Good dental health habits are important year round.

Interested in learning more about a dental checkup or some of our other general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Use Your Dental Benefits Before the Year Is Over

November 14, 2012

dental benefitsThe end of the year is getting closer and closer. That means that, for many, remaining dental benefits are about to expire. So, with the two months we have left, why not take advantage of them right now?

One of the best ways you can use your benefits is to cover a regular checkup and professional cleaning. We recommend having visits like these every six months, that way our doctors can keep an eye out for even the smallest change in your oral health.

What kinds of changes?

Signs of decay, for instance, or the appearance of gum disease. These common oral health conditions can have a negative impact on your oral health and overall well being, especially when treatment is delayed. The purpose of a regular checkup and professional cleaning is to provide preventive care, and to alert you to things you need to care for in a timely manner.

Another reason to use up your benefits now is that it may take multiple visits to give your smile the care it needs. To make sure those visit lie within the 2012 calendar year, we need to see you as soon as possible.

Call our Nichols Hills dental office to schedule your next visit. During your visit, your doctor would be happy to answer your treatment question, while our team would be more than willing to address any insurance-related questions you might have. Our office is located in Oklahoma City and serves patients from all around the greater OKC area.

The Relationship between Sugar and Your Teeth

October 10, 2012

halloweenHalloween is just a couple of weeks away now. That means that, soon, another night of trick-or-treating will be underway. Trick-or-treating may primarily be a young kid’s activity, but if we adults are honest, we’ll admit to nabbing a piece of candy (or two or three) from the supply we bought to hand out.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Enjoying a piece of candy from time to time is a good thing. But so are a balanced diet and excellent brushing and flossing habits.

So instead of making you feel guilty for eating candy this Halloween, we’d just like to briefly explain how sugar interacts with your teeth. That way you can make more informed decisions this Halloween season for you and your children.

Does Sugar Cause Cavities?

Yes and no. Sugar itself doesn’t cause cavities, but it does create just the right kind of environment for them to flourish in.

That’s because we all have a special type of bacteria in our mouths that feeds off sugar. When you consume foods or drinks high in sugar, the resultant feeding frenzy leads to the creation of acid. It’s this acid that attacks our vulnerable tooth enamel and causes it to decalcify.

That doesn’t mean that all sweeteners are bad for your teeth, though. Xylitol, a natural sweetener found in fruits and vegetables, has much fewer calories than regular sugar and promotes a health, stable pH level in the mouth. It’s so effective that it’s sometimes used in toothpastes and mouthwashes to help patients protect their teeth.

Tips for This Halloween

So what should you be doing this Halloween?

First, have fun. Don’t worry about enjoying your favorite candy. But don’t overindulge either. Set limits for yourself and your children, and consider substituting traditional candy with candy sweetened with xylitol.

Second, always brush and floss after enjoying your Halloween treats. You can also use a fluoride mouthwash to give your teeth even more help in the fight against decay.

And third, call Grand Dental in Nichols Hills if it’s been more than six months since your last visit. Regular exams and cleanings from our team are an important step in protecting your smile and improving your overall quality of life.

Have You Scheduled Your Child’s Back-to-School Visit?

August 19, 2012

back-to-school dental checkupOver the next few weeks, families in Oklahoma and everywhere else in the country will be facing a new school year. That means that now is when parents will be focused on buying new clothes for their kids, new schools supplies, a new lunchbox or backpack, and more. What can get lost in all that great rush of activity, though, is something that’s very important—a back-to-school dental checkup.

There’s no better time than right now, with school just starting or about to start, to bring your child or teenager into Grand Dental in OKC for a dental visit and cleaning.

Why now?

Because as hectic as preparing for a new school year is, the rest of the year may be just a busy, with homework, projects, and extracurricular activities competing for your child’s time. So why not bring your son or daughter in now, before all of that ramps up?

With a regular dental visit and professional cleaning, our doctors can check your child’s smile for signs of tooth decay or gum disease. These common oral health conditions should be treated as soon as possible. When left untreated, they can quickly worsen, requiring more extensive work and even affecting overall health.

Call Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule a back-to-school dental visit for your child. We proudly serve patients from all across the greater OKC area.

Give Your Smile Extra Protection with Dental Sealants from Grand Dental

June 10, 2012

dental sealantsYou may have heard of dentists using dental sealants to help young patients protect their teeth, but did you know that adult patients can benefit from them too? After all, it’s not just children who get cavities in the pits and grooves of their teeth—it can happen to anyone. But with dental sealants, it’s possible to keep teeth healthy and cavity-free.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a thin plastic film that we apply daily to the smiles of our Oklahoma City patients. More specifically, sealants are applied to the chewing surfaces of molars in a two-step process.

In the first stage of this process, your teeth will be prepared with a special cleaning and etching solution. Then, after about 15 seconds, we’ll rinse that off, dry your teeth, coat them with our sealant, and then use our curing light to turn that liquid into a hardened plastic that provides a physical barrier for teeth, protecting them from cavity-causing bacteria.

When Should Dental Sealants Be Placed?

Dental sealants can be used to protect molar and premolar chewing surfaces, meaning they can be placed at almost any age. First permanent molars erupt at about age 6. By placing sealants on them shortly after they erupt we can protect them from developing cavities where food and bacteria collect. Second permanent molars erupt later on at about 12 years. As with the first case, the grooves of these teeth are also susceptible to cavities and can benefit from the protection dental sealants can offer.

Want To Learn More?

Do you want to learn more about how you can safeguard your teeth with dental sealants? Call Grand Dental Nichols Hills today with your questions or to schedule an appointment with us. The doctors at our Oklahoma City office serve patients from the greater OKC area.

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