1057 NW Grand Boulevard,
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
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Prevent Oral Cancer – Visit Your Family Dentist in Oklahoma City

December 11, 2015

man relaxed during a regular checkup and oral cancer screening from his family dentist in oklahoma cityAccording to the Oral Cancer Foundation, the most effective way to control oral cancer is to diagnose and treat the disease in its earliest stages. This is likely no surprise. At Grand Dental Studio, our dentists and team are dedicated to offering patients superior preventive dentistry. That starts with great at-home hygiene and regular six month visits. When your dentist is familiar with your oral health history as well as family, environmental, and behavioral risk factors, he or she is more likely to diagnose oral cancer before it causes significant damage. Oral cancer symptoms are subtle and often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed by doctors who are less familiar with patients. Maintaining regular preventive dentistry checkups at Grand Dental Studio is one of the best ways to prevent oral cancer and other detrimental dental health concerns.

Family Dentist, OKC Reminds You to Use Dental Benefits

November 4, 2015

family dentist okcCan you believe it’s already November? This time of year always sneaks up on us. Before you know it we’ll be getting ready to celebrate the start of 2016, and that also means the end of your dental benefits for 2015. That’s right — you’ve paid for those benefits all year long, but any money remaining in your account or within your limit won’t roll over for next year’s dental treatments. Keep reading to learn more about how you can make the most out of your dental insurance before the year’s end, then schedule your appointment with Dr. Michael Kirk, the family dentist in Oklahoma City, before it’s too late!

You’ve Earned Your Dental Benefits: Now Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em

It’s hard to keep up with the rules of any insurance plan, and it certainly hasn’t gotten any easier lately. That’s why Grand Dental Studio wants to remind you that most dental plans expire at the end of the year. If you’ve got a flex or health savings account, any money that’s left in your name will be forfeited. And as for regular insurance plans, if you haven’t reached your maximum yearly allowance, or the money you’re entitled to each year, you’ll lose that, too. Come 2016, you’ll have to meet another deductible — and because insurance plans are always changing, it could be higher than ever.

It’s simple. Use your 2015 dental benefits before it’s too late — or lose them entirely.

Here are some steps you can take in order to maximize on this year’s dental insurance.

  • Call your insurance provider and find out how much you have left to spend in 2015 — and verify that these benefits are on a calendar year. Very few dental plans work on a fiscal year, but some do.
  • Find out what dental treatments your insurance covers. Most offer only preventive treatments, but sometimes cosmetic services are covered, too.
  • Once you fully understand everything about your 2015 benefits, call to schedule an appointment for you and the whole family at Grand Dental Studio. Your Oklahoma City dentist will help you save money — and you’ll get healthy teeth in return.

Take Advantage of Your Dental Benefits for Your Oral Health

Using your dental benefits before they expire isn’t only good for your budget — it’s also crucial for your oral health. Twice annual visits to the dentist include a dental exam, a thorough cleaning and x-rays, too. These preventive steps are vital to maintaining healthy teeth, and are also usually 100 percent covered by your dental insurance. Catching signs of decay or other problems while they’re small saves you a lot of time, pain and money overall.

Don’t forget that December is the busiest month for Grand Dental Studio, so don’t wait — contact us to schedule your appointment today!

Your Family Dentist Oklahoma City Offers Best Dental Experience

October 5, 2015

Grand Dental Studios TeamAt Grand Dental Studio, Dr. Michael Kirk and Dr. Janice Henry are committed to providing patients like you with Oklahoma’s Best Dental Experience™. That means making sure that from the moment you first call our office, you feel welcome, heard and at ease with our whole team. Because visiting the dentist doesn’t have to be a chore, or something you dread — and we believe it shouldn’t be. Read on to learn how Grand Dental Studio in Oklahoma City is committed to providing you with nothing short of excellence in dentistry.

Comfortable, Expert Cosmetic & Restorative Services from Your Oklahoma City Dentist

September 9, 2015

Patient recieve outstanding sedation dental care from your Oklahoma City dentiistAt Grand Dental Studio, our skilled dentists see many patients with minor to severe dental flaws who would like restore or enhance their natural smile, but the thought of enduring complex dental treatments that are uncomfortable at best and painful at worst deters them. As part of our commitment to providing patients the best dental experience in Oklahoma, we recommend considering sedation dentistry to diminish pain and making your dental visit peaceful and productive. Call to schedule a sedation dentistry consultation with your Oklahoma City dentist today.


Healthy Teeth Habits for Summer

June 14, 2013

summerSummer is here and it’s time for outdoor fun in the sun! Take some time this summer to care for your teeth. At Grand Dental Nichols Hills we want to make sure your smile remains healthy while you’re out and about having summer fun.

A great way to start is by coming in for your regular dental checkup. We’ll clean your teeth and check for signs of disease, damage or decay. It’s also a good time to go over brushing and flossing techniques and address any questions or concerns you might have.

Also, don’t use your teeth as tools this summer! Teeth are meant for chewing food, not for crunching on ice, tearing through packages, opening bottles, or anything else. Using teeth for functions they’re not meant to perform can lead to damage that could be costly to repair.

While sugary treats are popular during the summer, take a moment to think about your sugar and sweets consumption because that can be harmful to your smile. The same goes for sodas: if you’re going to drink them, do so with a straw to help lessen the impact on your enamel. Consider reaching for a class of water instead. Water also helps to flush your mouth and keep it healthier.

When you’re reaching for the sunscreen this summer, don’t forget to also grab the tooth brush and floss. Good dental health habits are important year round.

Interested in learning more about a dental checkup or some of our other general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Use Your Dental Benefits Before the Year Is Over

November 14, 2012

dental benefitsThe end of the year is getting closer and closer. That means that, for many, remaining dental benefits are about to expire. So, with the two months we have left, why not take advantage of them right now?

One of the best ways you can use your benefits is to cover a regular checkup and professional cleaning. We recommend having visits like these every six months, that way our doctors can keep an eye out for even the smallest change in your oral health.

What kinds of changes?

Signs of decay, for instance, or the appearance of gum disease. These common oral health conditions can have a negative impact on your oral health and overall well being, especially when treatment is delayed. The purpose of a regular checkup and professional cleaning is to provide preventive care, and to alert you to things you need to care for in a timely manner.

Another reason to use up your benefits now is that it may take multiple visits to give your smile the care it needs. To make sure those visit lie within the 2012 calendar year, we need to see you as soon as possible.

Call our Nichols Hills dental office to schedule your next visit. During your visit, your doctor would be happy to answer your treatment question, while our team would be more than willing to address any insurance-related questions you might have. Our office is located in Oklahoma City and serves patients from all around the greater OKC area.

Have You Scheduled Your Child’s Back-to-School Visit?

August 19, 2012

back-to-school dental checkupOver the next few weeks, families in Oklahoma and everywhere else in the country will be facing a new school year. That means that now is when parents will be focused on buying new clothes for their kids, new schools supplies, a new lunchbox or backpack, and more. What can get lost in all that great rush of activity, though, is something that’s very important—a back-to-school dental checkup.

There’s no better time than right now, with school just starting or about to start, to bring your child or teenager into Grand Dental in OKC for a dental visit and cleaning.

Why now?

Because as hectic as preparing for a new school year is, the rest of the year may be just a busy, with homework, projects, and extracurricular activities competing for your child’s time. So why not bring your son or daughter in now, before all of that ramps up?

With a regular dental visit and professional cleaning, our doctors can check your child’s smile for signs of tooth decay or gum disease. These common oral health conditions should be treated as soon as possible. When left untreated, they can quickly worsen, requiring more extensive work and even affecting overall health.

Call Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule a back-to-school dental visit for your child. We proudly serve patients from all across the greater OKC area.