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Protect Your Health with This Easy New Year’s Resolution

December 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Kirk @ 3:05 pm
family brushing teeth together

It’s already December and 2021 will be here before you know it, so millions of Americans are starting to think about their New Year’s Resolutions. Given the unique nature of 2020, it’s no wonder that health is going to be a primary focus. While this will lead many people to hit the gym or alter their diet, one relatively easy and often overlooked method that can make a big difference in how you look and feel is simple dental hygiene. According to your dentist in Oklahoma City, by taking great care of your mouth, you can actually protect your entire body from a variety of serious conditions, giving you plenty to smile about from head to toe.

How Oral Health Impacts Your Overall Health

There is a saying in the dental world that the mouth is the window to the body, in that pretty much anything found in the mouth can go anywhere else in the body. A prime example of this is digestion. Food enters the mouth, is broken down by chewing, makes its way into the stomach, and eventually, it’s turned into energy that travels everywhere through the bloodstream

Unfortunately, harmful bacteria, namely the kind that causes gum disease, can take this same path as well, leading to a variety of complications. Countless studies have shown that people with gum disease have a much higher risk of experiencing ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Gum disease is also a primary cause of tooth loss, which in turn can prevent someone from eating nutritionally rich foods, making the body less resilient to disease.

But Here’s the Good News…

Consistent dental hygiene is the most reliable way to prevent harmful oral bacteria from affecting your smile and everything else. And better yet, you probably already know the best practices, which are:

  • Brushing your teeth for two minutes twice each day
  • Flossing once in the evening
  • Using a non-alcoholic mouthwash to rinse
  • Drinking plenty of water between meals to remove food particles

And of course, these daily practices should be paired with two checkups and cleanings with your dentist each year. This will allow your dental team to catch any potential problems early so they can be treated way before they impact your health. Plus, if there is anything you could be doing at home to enhance your dental hygiene, they can let you know.

Looking Ahead

Exercising more and cleaning up your diet are great ways to protect your health, but refining your oral hygiene will deliver tangible results much, much faster than these practices. After implementing the steps detailed above for just a few days, your breath will be fresher, your mouth will feel cleaner, and you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you’re stopping many health issues before they even begin.

About the Author

Dr. Michael Kirk is a proud Oklahoma native who has been serving the Oklahoma City area for over 25 years. A graduate of the OU College of Dentistry and member of the American Dental Association, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Dr. Kirk uses his experience and comprehensive approach to ensure his patients have gorgeous smiles and can stay healthy year-round. To schedule a FREE first visit™ to safeguard your overall health, contact Grand Dental Studio today.

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