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How We’re Using AI To Make Your Dental Care Even Better

March 13, 2023

man holding AI graphic

Artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered a lot of attention over the past few months, but it has mostly been confined to tasks like making images and creative writing. While this is all well and good, the technology has amazing potential in the world of dentistry, and it’s actually currently contributing to how we examine people at Grand Dental Studio. Our clinical team has recently started using an FDA-cleared platform that will make your visits more productive and informative at the same time, and to learn a little bit about how it works, keep reading.

AI In the Dental Office

First, let’s dispel a possible misconception right from the beginning.

When you come to Grand Dental Studio, your care will be entirely put together and performed by your dentist and our team—we will not use AI to replace any of the people looking after you.

Rather, our AI platform will add to what we’re already doing in order to take things to the next level. It helps us detect decay, calculus (i.e. tartar), and bone loss at their earliest stages. It increases our precision when making diagnoses and generates a colorful, visual representation of what it sees that we can share with the patient. Rather than just telling you what is going on with your teeth and gums, we can show you in much more detail than ever before.

How This Benefits You

One of the most important parts of dentistry is prevention, as it’s much easier to avoid a problem rather than fix it after it begins. With AI, we’re able to do this more effectively. It can highlight particular areas of concern in the mouth, which cannot only guide treatment decisions, but also allow us to make suggestions about how someone is practicing oral hygiene at home. All in all, it gives us a better chance to be conservative, which will not only help you preserve your oral health and appearance, but also avoid the need for costly treatments over time.

Dentistry for the 21st Century

This technology will not replace anything we are currently doing in our practice. We’ll still use traditional tools like X-rays, lasers, and 3D images when doing exams, and AI will NEVER be used as a substitute for the expertise of your dentist.

Dr. Kirk and Dr. Patel’s experience and skill will always supersede any type of instrument or software you can imagine, so your care will always be directed by either one of them. While AI will definitely help, you can trust that your smile will always be in their capable hands. With us, you can know that you’re benefiting from the very best that modern-day dentistry has to offer.

About the Practice

Grand Dental Studio is led by Dr. Michael Kirk, a family, implant, and cosmetic dentist that has proudly served the Oklahoma City area for over 25 years, and Dr. Neeral Patel, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma’s Advanced Education in General Dentistry program, which is considered to be one of the most elite residencies in the country. They strive to consistently evolve and improve the care they offer to the community, and as such, they frequently invest in new technology. To learn more about our new AI platform or even come experience it for yourself, contact us today to schedule an appointment.