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Healthy Eating for Your Smile

August 14, 2013

healthy eatingWhile we all know that it’s important to eat well to ensure good health, you may not have realized that what you eat can have an impact on your smile as well. When you’re trying to make healthy choices for your body, it’s also important to think about your smile as well. The staff at Grand Dental Studio has prepared some helpful tips for you to peruse so you can make better food choices.

Some foods such as sticky candies and carbonated sodas can increase your risk of tooth decay. Also, starchy foods such as soft bread and chips can become stuck between your teeth, also putting you at risk for decay. Foods that are better choices include dairy products such as cheese, milk and plain yogurt. Cheese helps to encourage saliva production, helping to reduce the amount of threat foods pose to your smile, and the calcium found in all these products helps to replenish lost minerals.

An important thing to keep in mind is limiting your snacks. When you eat between meals, you produce less saliva and there’s more of a chance that you could be left with food particles and acid in your mouth. If you do want to snack between meals, consider brushing your teeth or chewing sugarless gum when you’re done.

The food choices you make can have an impact on your smile, so choose carefully when it comes time for your next meal or snack. If you have any questions or want to learn more, please give our office a call.

Interested in learning more about a dental checkup or some of our other general dentistry servicesCall us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

The Days of Root Canal Therapy Could Be Numbered

July 18, 2013

root canalRoot canal therapy is a treatment that many of our patients dread. If you’re one of those patients, the staff at Grand Dental Studio has news of some scientific research that may be of great use to you. According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, scientists are researching tooth decay and trying to come up with a way to regrow tooth tissue.

When decay has attacked a tooth to the point that the inner pulp has become infected, root canal therapy is needed to restore health to the tooth. This involves drilling into the tooth, removing the infected material, replacing it with a special dental filling, and topping the tooth with a crown. While this stops the infection, the tooth is now essentially dead because it has no nerves left to warn of further decay or infection in the future.

The current scientific research is trying to get the stem cells of teeth to grow new pulp. This will allow your dentist to replace the infected inner pulp with new pulp, not only removing the infection but allowing the tooth to remain alive.

This is great news in the field of dental technology, and we hope to see this technology reach our offices in the future. In the mean time, we can help restore your teeth with root canal therapy. If you have a tooth that is causing you discomfort or pain, please give us a call so we can look at your tooth and help restore your smile.

Interested in learning more about a dental checkup or some of our other general dentistry servicesCall us today at Grand Dental Studio to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Healthy Teeth Habits for Summer

June 14, 2013

summerSummer is here and it’s time for outdoor fun in the sun! Take some time this summer to care for your teeth. At Grand Dental Nichols Hills we want to make sure your smile remains healthy while you’re out and about having summer fun.

A great way to start is by coming in for your regular dental checkup. We’ll clean your teeth and check for signs of disease, damage or decay. It’s also a good time to go over brushing and flossing techniques and address any questions or concerns you might have.

Also, don’t use your teeth as tools this summer! Teeth are meant for chewing food, not for crunching on ice, tearing through packages, opening bottles, or anything else. Using teeth for functions they’re not meant to perform can lead to damage that could be costly to repair.

While sugary treats are popular during the summer, take a moment to think about your sugar and sweets consumption because that can be harmful to your smile. The same goes for sodas: if you’re going to drink them, do so with a straw to help lessen the impact on your enamel. Consider reaching for a class of water instead. Water also helps to flush your mouth and keep it healthier.

When you’re reaching for the sunscreen this summer, don’t forget to also grab the tooth brush and floss. Good dental health habits are important year round.

Interested in learning more about a dental checkup or some of our other general dentistry services? Call us today at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Step into Spring with Porcelain Veneers and Lumineers

April 12, 2013

porcelain veneersSpring is a time for fresh beginnings and new starts. Why not give your smile a fresh look as well? If your current smile is less than stellar, porcelain veneers and Lumineers from Grand Dental Nichols Hills could be the right solution for your smile.

Veneers are a great way to improve your smile quickly and dramatically. They’re thin pieces of porcelain that are attached to the front of your teeth, allowing us to cover over chips, cracks, stains and gaps. They can even be used to correct the spacing and alignment of your teeth as well.

We offer traditional porcelain veneers as well as Lumineers. Lumineers are a special type of veneers that are even thinner so that little to no removal of your existing tooth structure is required unlike in traditional veneers. Also, you won’t need to wear temporary veneers and the entire procedure can be completed in only three dental visits.

If you’re unhappy with your smile, now is the time to change it. Brighten up your smile this spring with porcelain veneers or Lumineers. We’re here to help give you a beautiful smile that you’ll want to show off all spring long and beyond.

Interested in learning more about porcelain veneers or some of our other cosmetic dentistry treatments? Call us today at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

March 15, 2013

dental implantsHave you been hiding your smile because you’re missing teeth? Stop hiding, and come to Grand Dental Nichols Hills to learn how dental implants can be used to restore and improve your smile.

Dr. Michael Kirk studied dental implants extensively at the postgraduate level at the University of Texas and wants to put his expertise to good use and help improve your smile. A dental implant consists of a titanium post inserted into your jawbone and the crown that will go on top to replace the missing tooth. The post will bond with your jawbone to create a solid, secure foundation for your implant that mimics the roof of a natural tooth.

With all of today’s advances in anesthetics and medications, we will try our best to keep the procedure as comfortable for you as possible. Thanks to Dr. Kirk’s expertise, we can place the implants and restore your smile all in our office, so you won’t need to visit anyone else. We understand our patients have busy lives, so we work hard to make our dental treatments fit into your schedule as seamlessly as possible.

It is important to replace your missing teeth to reduce your risk of jawbone shrinkage and the risk that you’ll lose other teeth.  Dental implants are the most permanent method to restore missing teeth and give you a beautiful smile once again. Give us a call to see if this solution is right for you.

Interested in learning more about dental implants or some of our other restorative dentistry treatments? Call us today at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule your appointment. Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Intra-Oral Cameras for Better Smile Understanding

February 12, 2013

intra-oral cameraSometimes, it’s hard to get a clear picture of just how your teeth really look. At Grand Dental Nichols Hills, we have an intra-oral camera to help you see what we see when you’re sitting in our dental chair.

We will use a special wand with a camera on the end that we will insert into your mouth. The intra-oral camera will take a video of the inside of your mouth and send the color images to a TV screen you can view from the comfort of the dental chair.

You’ll be able to see your teeth, up close and in full color. While the idea of seeing your teeth from this view may seem a bit overwhelming at first, it can prove to be helpful to your dental health in the long run. You can get a clearer view of the impact your brushing and flossing habits have on your teeth.

Our dentists can point out areas of concern and make sure that you fully understand what you need to work on. Instead of just telling you to focus on flossing between two teeth because a cavity could develop, they can show you exactly which two teeth it is. An intra-oral camera is a great tool to help our patients better understand their teeth and achieve better oral health.

Interested in learning more about intra-oral cameras or some of our other dental technology options? Call us today at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule your appointment! Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Whitening for Your Brightest Smile in the New Year

January 12, 2013

teeth whiteningIs your smile not as bright as you’d like? Come see us at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to start out the New Year right and smile proudly once again!

Teeth whitening is a great way to dramatically improve your smile, and we have a variety of options to suit your unique whitening needs.

For a quick improvement to your smile we offer in-office laser teeth whitening. With this great service you can come in during your lunch break and leave with whiter teeth. For greater convenience, we also offer a take-home teeth whitening system. You’ll be given custom trays with professional-grade bleaching gel to allow you to whiten your teeth from the convenience of your own home.

For more permanent results, we offer LUMINEERS and veneers. LUMINEERS are a minimal-prep brand of veneers. Porcelain veneers use thin pieces of porcelain placed over the teeth to hide imperfections and give you a whiter and brighter smile. They look like natural teeth and are stain resistant!

Start out the New Year with the beautiful and dazzling smile of your dreams. We’d love to help brighten your smile today. Come visit Grand Dental Nichols Hills today to have a smile consultation to figure out which whitening option is the best for your needs!

Interested in learning more about our teeth whitening options? Call us today at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule your appointment! Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

DIAGNOdent Laser Cavity Detection in OKC

December 16, 2012

diagnodentCavities are a very common dental health issue. Despite our best efforts to brush and floss, sometimes they can still occur. The best way to treat cavities is to find them as early as possible. At Grand Dental Nichols Hills, we use DIAGNOdent technology to help detect cavities in their infancy.

DIAGNOdent is a small, portable dental laser that can detect cavities earlier than any of the previously existing detection methods. This is a real benefit, because the earlier a cavity is detected, the smaller it is and thus the easier it is to repair the damage.

Our DIAGNOdent laser will scan your teeth, using laser reflection to find imperfections in your teeth. DIAGNOdent will alert us with an audible signal when a cavity is detected. Then, it will generate a numerical readout to give us an indication of the size of the cavity. This tool is a great asset in our ongoing quest to provide our patients with the best dental care possible.

Interested in learning more about DIAGNOdent technology or one of our other services? Call us today at Grand Dental Nichols Hills to schedule your appointment! Our Oklahoma City dental office is conveniently located for patients who live or work in the greater OKC area.

Use Your Dental Benefits Before the Year Is Over

November 14, 2012

dental benefitsThe end of the year is getting closer and closer. That means that, for many, remaining dental benefits are about to expire. So, with the two months we have left, why not take advantage of them right now?

One of the best ways you can use your benefits is to cover a regular checkup and professional cleaning. We recommend having visits like these every six months, that way our doctors can keep an eye out for even the smallest change in your oral health.

What kinds of changes?

Signs of decay, for instance, or the appearance of gum disease. These common oral health conditions can have a negative impact on your oral health and overall well being, especially when treatment is delayed. The purpose of a regular checkup and professional cleaning is to provide preventive care, and to alert you to things you need to care for in a timely manner.

Another reason to use up your benefits now is that it may take multiple visits to give your smile the care it needs. To make sure those visit lie within the 2012 calendar year, we need to see you as soon as possible.

Call our Nichols Hills dental office to schedule your next visit. During your visit, your doctor would be happy to answer your treatment question, while our team would be more than willing to address any insurance-related questions you might have. Our office is located in Oklahoma City and serves patients from all around the greater OKC area.

The Relationship between Sugar and Your Teeth

October 10, 2012

halloweenHalloween is just a couple of weeks away now. That means that, soon, another night of trick-or-treating will be underway. Trick-or-treating may primarily be a young kid’s activity, but if we adults are honest, we’ll admit to nabbing a piece of candy (or two or three) from the supply we bought to hand out.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Enjoying a piece of candy from time to time is a good thing. But so are a balanced diet and excellent brushing and flossing habits.

So instead of making you feel guilty for eating candy this Halloween, we’d just like to briefly explain how sugar interacts with your teeth. That way you can make more informed decisions this Halloween season for you and your children.

Does Sugar Cause Cavities?

Yes and no. Sugar itself doesn’t cause cavities, but it does create just the right kind of environment for them to flourish in.

That’s because we all have a special type of bacteria in our mouths that feeds off sugar. When you consume foods or drinks high in sugar, the resultant feeding frenzy leads to the creation of acid. It’s this acid that attacks our vulnerable tooth enamel and causes it to decalcify.

That doesn’t mean that all sweeteners are bad for your teeth, though. Xylitol, a natural sweetener found in fruits and vegetables, has much fewer calories than regular sugar and promotes a health, stable pH level in the mouth. It’s so effective that it’s sometimes used in toothpastes and mouthwashes to help patients protect their teeth.

Tips for This Halloween

So what should you be doing this Halloween?

First, have fun. Don’t worry about enjoying your favorite candy. But don’t overindulge either. Set limits for yourself and your children, and consider substituting traditional candy with candy sweetened with xylitol.

Second, always brush and floss after enjoying your Halloween treats. You can also use a fluoride mouthwash to give your teeth even more help in the fight against decay.

And third, call Grand Dental in Nichols Hills if it’s been more than six months since your last visit. Regular exams and cleanings from our team are an important step in protecting your smile and improving your overall quality of life.

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